Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Natural Crysoberyl

Natural Rodholite Garnet

Natural Rose Garnet

Colombian Emerald

Type: Natural Ceylon Crysoberyl (Alexendrite)
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Honey Colour change to Orangish
Weight: Est 6.65 carat
Measurement: 9.36 x 13.04 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.746 - 1.763
Shape:  Pear Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk & Crystal
Comment: VS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM2200

Type: Natural Ceylon Crysoberyl (Alexendrite)
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Yellowish Green Colour to Orangish
Weight: Est 3.10 carat
Measurement: 9.05 x 7.07 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.746 - 1.763
Shape:  Oval Mixed Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk & Crystal
Comment: VS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1200

Type: Natural Ceylon Crysoberyl 
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Yellowis Colour to Orangish
Refractive index: 1.746 - 1.763
Shape:  Oval Mixed Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk & Crystal
Comment: VS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1200

Type: Natural Rodholite Garnet
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Vivid Red
Weight: Est 3.43 carat
Measurement: 11.30 x 6.42 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.72 - 1.76
Shape:  Rectangular Cut
Magnification: Crystal
Comment: VVS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM450

Type: Natural Ceylon Crysoberyl (Alexendrite)
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Yellowis Colour to Orangish
Refractive index: 1.746 - 1.763
Shape:  Oval Mixed Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk & Crystal
Comment: VS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1200

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Colourless (White)
Weight: Est carat
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Diamond Mixed Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk 
Comment: VS Clarity, Unheat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM600

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Royal Blue
Weight: Est 8.32 carat
Measurement: 11.68 x 10.39 x 6.25 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Cushion Mixed Cut
Magnification: Finger Print & Snow Ball 
Comment: SI Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM6200
Certificate : Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Sparkling Yellow
Weight: Est 2.45 carat
Measurement: 7.38 x 6.39 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Diamond Mixed Cut
Magnification: Fine Silk 
Comment: VS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM850

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Blue & Colourless
Weight: Est 2.83 carat
Measurement: 8.02 x 9.00 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Cushion Mixed Cut
Magnification: Silk, Snow Ball & Finger Print 
Comment: VS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1800

Type: Natural Ceylon Spinel
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Purplish Blue (Rare)
Weight: Est 3.10 carat
Measurement: 9.76 x 8.30 x 4.83 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Oval Mixed Cut
Magnification: Crystals & Needles
Comment: VS Clarity, Un Heat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1600
Certificate: Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Blue & Colouless
Weight: Est 4.45 carat
Measurement: 10.11 x 8.76 x 6.10 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Pear Mixed Cut
Magnification: Feather, Crystal & Silk
Comment: VS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM3500
Certificate : Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Yellow Sapphire
Origin : Tanzania
Colour: Yellow
Weight: Est 15.19 carat
Measurement: 11.68 x 10.39 x 6.25 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Cushion Mixed Cut
Magnification: Feather & Needle 
Comment: VS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM12,000
Certificate : Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Royal Blue
Weight: Est 3.04 carat
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Oval Mixed Cut
Magnification: Feathers &Silks
Comment: VS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM4200
Certificate: Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour:  Blue to Purplish
Weight: Est 6.53 carat
Measurement: 13.76 x 9,05 x 6.64 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Pear Mixed Cut
Magnification: Feathers, Crystals & Silks
Comment: VVS Clarity, Un Heat, Eye Clean, Top Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM25,000
Certificate : Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Type: Natural Ceylon Sapphire
Origin : Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Colour: Colourless (Top Grade)
Weight: Est 4.37 carat
Measurement: 9.78 x 8.41 x 5.35 (mm)
Refractive index: 1.762 - 1.770
Shape: Cushion Mixed Cut
Magnification: Crystals
Comment: VVS Clarity, Heat, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM12,500
Certificate : Asia Gemology Lab (AGL)

Colombian Emerald (SOLD)

Type: Natural Colombian Emerald
Origin : Colombia
Colour: Grass Green
Weight: Est 2.45 carat
Shape: Step Cut
Comment: VS Clarity, CE minor, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1300

Type: Natural Colombian Emerald
Origin : Colombia
Colour: Neon Green
Weight: Est 2.15 carat
Shape: Step Cut
Comment: VS Clarity, CE minor, Eye Clean, Good Luster & Sharp Cut
Price: RM1300


  1. Replies

      Kondisi bahan ;
      - Bahan / rough bacan doko asli bukan sintetis
      - Bahan tua (galian lama)
      - Kualitas super kristal,sudah tembus
      - Bahan keras dan padat
      - Siap gosok poles
      - Daging utuh, tanpa kapur
      - Tidak rapuh, tidak mudah pecah / retak
      - Deskipsi sesuai apa adanya, harap diperhatikan dengan baik agar tidak ada dusta diantara kita
      - Sesuaikan dengan dana yang anda punya.. jangan terlalu dipaksakan yang ujung - ujungnya merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain
      - Untuk tanya - tanya silakan hub no yang tertera

      Harga ;
      - 1 ons Rp. 500,000
      - 5 ons Rp. 1.250,000
      - 1 kg Rp. 2.500,000
      - 5 kg Rp. 6,000,000
      - 10 kg Rp. 8.000,000
      - 15 kg Rp. 10.000,000
      (Harga bisa nego)

      Minat hub ;
      - 082385118431
      #.stock terbatas
      Siapa cepat dia dapat
      Bagi yg merasa sudah minat dan ingin transaksi pembelian dengan kami,
      Adapun cara yg kami sediakan:
      Dan bisa kami kirim melalui jasa pengiriman seperti:jne/tiki/kantor pos,
      jika barang sudah kami kirim,kami berikan no.resi pengiriman barang yang anda pesan,terimah kasih,,,Wassalam

      HATI-HATI Salah Org Nnti keTIPU....!!!!!!!!!

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  3. bagus blognya , silahkan mampir ke bagi sedang membutuhkan dan mencari pusaka atau mustika berkhodam dan bertuah dasyat PIN BB 2B2779DF terimakasih

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  5. Foto batunya keren-keren gan.
    Informasinya lengkap sekali, gan. Lumayan buat nambah inspirasi...
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    telah mewabah di nusantaara. Tidak terkecuali
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